Most patients report that the root canal procedure is similar to having a filling placed. At our office over 95% of our patients report very little to no pain at all throughout the entire treatment. As of today over 1,650 of our patients have answered our survey in which they indicate that during treatment they experienced the following:

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006
Most of our patients are more concerned about the injection than the treatment itself. During the injection our patients experienced the following:

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006
After your initial appointment there is always the concern if you are going to have pain afterwards or not, when the pain may occur, what kind of pain to expect and for how long, and what pain medications to take . You may also wonder about discomfort after the completion of your treatment. To all these concerns our patients report:

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006

Data Collected from Our Own Patient Population Since 2006